Are Dollar Tree Sunglasses safe?
It’s getting close to summertime and sunglasses are a must! If you are like me and sunglasses get broken or lost easily, you may be wondering if Dollar Tree sunglasses are safe to use.
In general, as long as the sunglasses have a UVA/UVB sticker on them, they will be perfectly safe to use. In fact, buying sunglasses at the Dollar Tree can save you a lot of money!

How can I tell if my sunglasses are UV protected?
The biggest indicator of sunglasses being safe is if they protect from harmful UV sunlight rays. Most sunglasses that you find at any store will indicate with a sticker on the lenses that they provide protection against UVA and UVB rays.
UVA stands for Ultraviolet A rays that are typically associated with skin aging. UVB stands for Ultraviolet B rays that are typically associated with skin burning. (sunburn)
It is important to make sure your sunglasses have a UV protection label so that they provide helpful protecting from the ultraviolet rays outside.
Sunglasses without the UV labels or stickers are not going to offer you any protection and should not be worn outside for long periods of time.
For the best UV light protection, pick sunglasses with a wraparound style that offers protection from the front and the sides.
If you have kids, it is important to remember that their eyes need protection from the sun as well. This is especially true in the summertime, if you are going to be spending a lot of time around water like swimming pools or lakes.
When water and sun mix, they can cause glares that can really hurt your eyes. Having your kids wear eye protection can help keep their eyes safe from the sun!
Just like anything, kids can be very tough on sunglasses so stock up on cheap ones. Then you won’t be upset if they ruin a $30 pair.

Are Dollar Store sunglasses safe?
As long as the sunglasses you pick have UV protection stickers or labels, then they are perfectly safe to use.
The biggest difference between a cheap pair and an expensive pair of glasses is the quality of the materials. Which makes sense as to why the cheap pairs are only $1.25.
Most high-quality expensive sunglasses are going to be made with better quality lenses and frames. This means that there will be less imperfections like bubbles in the glass and the frames will be sturdier.
Dollar store sunglasses are going to be more likely to break and scratch. The best bet when picking out cheap sunglasses is to check the joints of the sunglasses.
If the connection or hinge to each piece seems flimsy or is already loose, then skip that pair. They will only get more loose and fall apart later.
If the connection is firm and strong, then this means the sunglasses should hold up well in the future. If they open and close easily, that is another good sign.
Whether they are cheap or expensive, the biggest factors should really be if they are comfortable to wear and if they protect your eyes. Keep these two points at the top of the list when shopping.

Are cheap sunglasses worth it?
If you are like me and throw everything including sunglasses in your purse or backpack, then cheap sunglasses are so worth it!
If I buy a pair of $50 sunglasses that get trashed or broken, that is a huge waste of money. On the other hand, if you buy 5 cheap pairs of sunglasses you can keep one in your purse, one in your car, one in your spouse’s car, etc.
Now I never have to worry where my sunglasses are because I have a few pairs in lots of different places.
If one pair breaks, it is no big deal. I am not out that much money and I can easily pick up a few more pairs.
If you like wearing the same pair of sunglasses for the next 2 years and you keep your sunglasses safe all the time, then buying an expensive pair may work better for you.
I honestly expect my sunglasses to last about 2-3 months at best. If they are sunglasses for my kids, I may get lucky, and they last 2 weeks.
Dollar Tree may not always have the most current styles or colors, but the fact that they do offer UV protection and are easily replaceable is why I love them so much.
Honestly, every year a new sunglasses trend comes out that I hate, so it is so much easier to buy from a dollar store that offers basic sunglasses at a cheap price.
Next time you need sunglasses, try looking at the ones at the Dollar Tree and you may be pleasantly surprised at what they offer! They have tons of cute kids’ styles too.
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