Are Dollar Tree pacifiers safe?

Some kids are not very picky about pacifiers and others will only use a certain type, brand, and or color. My oldest child was the not very picky type and probably only had 5 pacifiers for his whole time as a baby.

My daughter on the other hand had a rough start in life. She spent a lot of time in the NICU and had multiple hospital stays. She only wanted the green hospital pacifiers and if you do happen to find them on Amazon or elsewhere, they are really expensive.

After trying multiple brands from multiple stores, we finally started trying Dollar Tree pacifiers, and thankfully they have been very successful!

Are Dollar Store pacifiers safe?

Most of the pacifiers that I have found at the Dollar Store are actually brand name and generic versions of pacifiers that I have found at Target, Walmart, and Dollar General.

Usually, the characters on them are ones that aren’t currently as popular or never got popular at all. At my local Dollar Store, they tend to have a lot of items with Sesame Street and an occasionally dinosaur or unicorn.

Sesame Street used to be one of the most popular shows of all time, and since the early 2000s that popularity has declined. So, it makes sense that a discount retailer would buy up overstock of a product that is no longer as popular anymore.

Dollar Tree primarily buys overstock or unsold inventory from big retailers and then sells it in their stores. This means the safety rating and the quality of their products are the exact same as merchandise found in Big Name Retailers.

Most items I have seen at my local store have the same markings and labels that say that their baby products are BPA free. I do recommend that you prewash any items before giving them to your baby, but I would recommend that with any baby item you buy from any store.

Are Dollar Tree baby products safe?

The Dollar Tree like other dollar stores typically have a section dedicated to baby only items. My store typically stocks items like baby shampoo, diaper rash cream, pacifiers, bottles / sippy cups, and plastic eating utensils.

I have routinely used Dollar Tree products like the baby shampoo, pacifiers, plastic utensils, and sippy cups over the years and all have been perfectly safe.

Some of the sippy cups that I have purchased have actually been well made and outlasted really expensive ones. We currently have multiple sippy cups that are well over a year old, and they are still working well.

As with any baby products from any store, the daily care and maintenance of these items makes a huge difference. If you take care of your items and clean them well, they typically last longer.

At night, my daughter may have a handful of pacifiers in her bed and that means they pick up dust and lint easily. We have found the best way to clean pacifiers is to use microwave sanitizer bags.

If you have ever pumped while breastfeeding, you may be familiar with these magical cleaning bags. They are plastic bags that you put your rinsed off plastic items like breast pump parts or pacifiers in, add 2 oz of water, and then microwave for 2-3 minutes.

Once it is done, you drain the water and then you have wonderfully clean plastic parts. This is a lifesaver to make sure that pacifiers are truly clean. These sanitizer bags can get a little expensive, but each bag is used 20 times and they are well worth the price.

Saving Money on Baby Products at the Dollar Store

For some baby items, you may not have a choice about splurging or not but sometimes you will find areas to scrimp on. For instance, the yellow baby shampoo from the Dollar Tree works just as well as the Johnson and Johnson brand for us, so I choose to buy the generic dollar store version.

A 15oz bottle of PerCara brand baby shampoo is $1.25, and that comes out to 8.3 cents per ounce. The brand name Johnson & Johnson 20.3 oz bottle at Walmart is $5.32, and that comes out to 26.2 cents per ounce.

Buying baby shampoo at the Dollar Store just makes more sense to me. Now other items that may not make sense would be to buy their diapers, wipes, and baby blankets.

I have used their diapers and wipes in a pinch when I was out running errands, but it would actually come out more expensive to buy their diapers or wipes in bulk.

I do like testing different cup styles out on my daughter at the Dollar Tree because then I don’t feel so bad if she hates the cup. If you have a toddler, you will know that the cup that works today may not work for them next week.

If you have a little girl, definitely check out the hair ties and bows at the Dollar Tree. This is an easy way to save a lot of money and still look cute as can be!

Overall, Dollar Tree Baby products are perfectly safe to use and a good way to save money. Not every product comes out to be cheaper compared to other stores, but dollar stores shouldn’t be ignored as a way to save on some baby items!

If you are looking for more tips and tricks to save money on baby, check out “When to Buy Nursery Furniture to Save Money“.

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