Sweet Ice Cream Cone Stash- Savings Challenge (Free PDF)
It is almost August, so let’s do a 31 day savings challenge. August is terribly hot where I live so nothing sounds better than ice cream cones!
This savings challenge is simple but effective! First, we need a goal. This can be an amount you need to pay off a debt like a credit card, or an upcoming bill.
Maybe you want to save up for a birthday gift or a splurge item. It doesn’t matter what the goal is as long as you have a plan for the money. Saving a random amount of money with no plan makes it easier to give up or not try.
Once you have your goal amount, let’s say $150. Then simply divide it by 31. Ours would come out to $4.83. For simplicity, we will round that up to $5 per day.
So, for the next month, we will try to save an average of $5 per day. How will we do that? We can sell unneeded items like toys or clothing. We can save money by not spending our full grocery budget. We can also save our change, work more overtime, or do off jobs.

Free Printable Savings Tracker
This will print on a standard 8.5 x 11 piece of paper. You can also adjust the size on the PDF when you print if you are looking for a smaller size.
Don’t forget to color in your ice cream cones as you save up your money. Some days you may knock out a few, others day you might not color in any.
That is totally fine, the point is to try to save up our goal amount over the course of a month.
If it takes you longer than a month, that is ok too. Life happens and our plans don’t always work out how we want to. Just don’t quit and keep trying!