30 Day Habit Tracker (Free PDF)

We all have those thoughts now and then about if we only got into the habit of doing this then things would be so much better…… The actual habit could be as simple as remembering to take your daily vitamin, to dedicating a certain amount of time to a task each day, or even remembering to do a little self-care.

So, this week, we are going to test out a new habit and give ourselves some accountability by tracking it! When we get the idea to start a new habit, we don’t always know if the habit is meant to be. So, by being mindful of tracking the habit, we can see our progress and at the end of 30 days we can see if this habit is something we want to continue.

Don’t worry if you decide to drop a habit after 30 days, because we are testing this habit first to see if it is something that will actually help us! Make sure to ask yourself the 5 questions at the end of 30 days to really reflect on how this habit looks after 30 days.

Free Printable PDF

This prints on a standard sheet of paper that is 8.5 x 11, but you can change the size if you like!

What happens after 30 days?

After 30 days, you really need to determine if your test was successful and what comes next. Is there something you can adjust in your life to try this habit in another way?

Is this habit not what you thought it would be? Or was this habit beneficial and will now be added to your daily routine?

Not all habits turn out like we plan, but some work out super well when we give them a chance!

I always recommend only working on one new habit at a time. This gives you the ability to really focus and try hard versus spreading yourself too thin. It also will keep you from getting overwhelmed and quitting!

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