30 Day Kitchen Challenge

I don’t know about you, but I get really overwhelmed trying to tackle huge projects.

I will start off strong and then get discouraged by how long it is taking, get sidetracked, or just lose interest.

One of the ways, I combat this is to break up HUGE tasks into tiny micro tasks. These are tasks that only take 5-10 minutes.

This week I made myself a 30-day kitchen challenge, and every day I will be crossing off one of these neglected chores in my kitchen.

I can’t always dedicate hours and hours to clean and organize a room, but I usually can make 5-10 minutes every day. (P.s. don’t wait for the 1st of the month to start a challenge, start it today and get it done!)

What about you? Any tricks to help you keep up with cleaning and tackle chores that get overlooked?

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