
Is it bad to drink an expired Coke?

Sometimes during the year, Coca-Cola products go on sale for a really good deal, and I like to stock up on our favorites like the Classic Coke. One thing to keep in mind though is the expiration date.

The USDA says that sodas are typically still good to drink for up to 9 months after the expiration date as long as they are stored correctly. So, in general, you will only want to stock up on Coke with enough to last you about 18 months!

Can I drink expired Coke?

Most cola sodas have an expiration date that is a year from when it was manufactured. This includes Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and generic store brands. We know that we can safely drink it up to 9 months after the expiration date, so it is completely fine to consume expired soda.

If you were to drink soda that is more than 9 months past the expiration date, you will probably notice that the soda tastes extra sweet, has a syrupy texture, and is mostly flat. Mostly flat means that it has lost most of its CO2.

Carbon Dioxide is what gives cola it’s bubbly carbonated texture. The packaging of your coke will slowly lose CO2 over time. Bottles will lose CO2 quicker than a can, so if you are stocking up for a long period, you will be better off buying cans.

What does expired Coke look like?

Coke typically comes in cans or bottles, and depending on how they are stored, you may be able to notice some differences when it is expired.

In bottles of Coke that are more than 9 months old, you may notice that there is settling or residue at the bottom of the bottle. This is due to CO2 loss, and also if the bottle was stored in a hot temperature for a long period of time.

There will also be less noticeable bubbles when you open the bottle. As the CO2 slowly leaks out of the bottle, less carbonation stays in the soda. This will make for a very flat tasting soda.

With cans, they can be stored at room temperature for a long time, but they really need to be stored out of direct sunlight. Any cans with bulging bottoms/seams and any noticeable dents should be thrown away.

When cans are stored in extreme heat or in extremely cold temperatures, this can cause the integrity of the can to lessen. Drinking coke from an expired can could be a breeding ground for bacteria.

If you ever open a can of cola and it doesn’t give that satisfying release of air sound, then this is a good indicator that the can was damaged and has lost its CO2.

Expired cola that is over a year old, may also have a very thick almost syrupy texture when poured into a glass. As the CO2 is lost, the liquid starts to ferment and thicken. This will taste overly sweet and have a horrible aftertaste.

Does expired pop make you sick?

If you are drinking soda pop that is just barely past the expiration date, you will not notice any ill effects. Soda does not instantly become harmful the day after the expiration date.

Cola sodas like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and store brands are perfectly fine to drink up to 9 months after the expiration date. Around the 9-month mark, the quality and the taste of soda will start to degrade.

This could mean a flat soda, with an extra syrupy or sweet taste. The smell of soda is not typically affected, but you may notice it smells extra sweet.

You can still probably drink the soda up to a year past the expiration date, but it will most likely not taste very good. It also may upset your stomach.

Coke can be a source of food poisoning due to the very high sugar content. This means it can grow mold and bacteria. Thankfully this is highly unlikely if the bottle or can is still sealed.

When the container is sealed it means it is not exposed to outside air, so it would be extremely rare to start growing mold or bacteria. This is why you want to throw out any damaged bottles or can!

If a bottle or can of Coke is opened, it can start to grow mold or bacteria. If you notice your cola has anything floating around in it, you will want to throw it away. You will also notice that it has an off smell.

It is best to consume cola sodas within 2-4 days after they are opened. This is not only due to possible bacteria and mold growth, but due to the loss of CO2 making the soda no longer have bubbles.

What can you do with expired Coke?

Coca Cola is actually a very handy liquid to have around the house. Just because your soda is expired and doesn’t taste great doesn’t mean it needs to be thrown out.

The high acidity inside coke makes it a great substance to use to clean toilets, unclog drains, and remove rust from metal like tools or screws.

You can even use flat coke to marinade meat or cook pork in the crockpot for pulled barbeque. The acidity helps break down the meat and make it more tender.

I recently learned that you can also use cola to help with your laundry! Coke can be used as a pretreatment to help remove grease stains, blood, and some say it will help remove gum from clothing too.

Other fun uses for Coca Cola are to clean your garage floor from oil stains, defrost a frozen windshield, clean bugs off your car, and can be used to clean battery terminal on your car.

If all else fails and you need to get rid of expired cola, consider pouring it into your compost bin instead of down the sink. The acidity and sugar in the cola can help your feed the microorganisms inside the compost for a richer soil result.

For more information about commonly expired items, check out “What happens if you eat an expired Slim Jim?” and “Are expired Pizza Rolls ok to eat?

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