
What happens if I eat expired Gum?

Chewing gum is one of the most popular treats or candy for a lot of people. Some use it to curb their appetite while dieting, to help stop smoking, freshen their breath after eating, or just to calm nerves.

Gum can be found in small packages and large packages, and it is very tempting to buy chewing gum in bulk if you like to chew it a lot. What happens though when you forget about that pack of gum? Let’s find out if gum expires, what it would look like, and if it can harm you.

How long does gum last unopened?

Gum can last for a very long time if it is stored in optimal conditions. Gum can be temperature sensitive and moisture sensitive.

Gum stored in too high of heat can cause melting, and gum stored in too cold of a temperature can cause it to become very brittle.

Gum can actually absorb moisture, so if kept in a very humid environment it can start to soften and lose its form. It won’t be as melty as gum that has gotten too hot, but it will just have a very soft texture.

The perfect environment for unopened gum is to be stored at room temperature and away from direct sunlight.

Gum stored at room temperature will last a long time, but the texture will get harder. We have gum leftover from last Halloween that initially feel like rocks, but once you pop them in your mouth, they do get softer.

Does gum go bad if left in hot car?

Chewing gum is mainly activated by the saliva and the heat inside your mouth. Your mouth actually heats the gum up and makes it stickier and softer.

These same conditions can happen inside of a hot car. Any gum that is left on the seat, in the glove box, or console can be heated up in hot summer temperatures.

When a whole pack of gum heats up, it will basically start to melt and can escape any paper coverings. This can lead to a big pile of yuck in your gum pack.

Once gum has melted, it would be impossible to have it go back to its original state. So, putting melted gum in the freezer will not help.

This same melting can happen if you put a pack of gum inside a pocket, so the best way to store gum would be in a drawer, cabinet, or anywhere dry and out of direct sunlight.

Personally, I have found chewing gum in a dark colored purse that has heated up and was a giant mess. Even though it is tempting to put it in your purse, you are better off storing it inside your house.

Can chewing gum go bad?

Chewing gum does not have a required expiration date. This is because gum is considered shelf stable and will last a very long time.

This is also because chewing gum is not considered a “food” by the FDA. Technically, chewing gum is not meant to be swallowed, so it does not follow the same guidelines as raw and processed foods.

What does expired gum look like?

The most notable sign of expired gum is that it doesn’t smell as strong. Most gums have a pretty fragrant aroma, so if you open a pack of gum and notice barely any smell at all, that is a sign that it is pretty old.

If you open a peppermint or cinnamon gum, the scent should be strong and noticeable. Some gums may have a very mild scent, but you should still be able to smell something.

Once you pop that piece of chewing gum in your mouth, you may notice a very grainy texture. Usually, old gum will be brittle and basically just fall apart once it hits saliva.

If you love to blow bubbles with your gum, you will notice that old gum just doesn’t get that nice stretchy consistency needed to blow bubbles.

Can gum get moldy?

Gum has a very low moisture content, so it is highly unlikely to grow mold by itself. Now if your gum comes into contact with organic matter like dirt, fruits, or vegetables, then it is possible to grow mold.

Regular gum that is still in the package, will not grow mold unless it is exposed to something else that is growing mold.

Can chewing old gum make you sick?

If you are eating regular chewing gum, then the odds of getting sick is quite minimal. The exception to this rule is gum with additives like sugar free gum, nicotine gum, and caffeine infused gum.

Sugar free gum uses artificial sweeteners like aspartame that can break down over time. This can actually make your gum very thick and extra sweet. Expired sugar free gum will probably not harm you, but it could upset your stomach.

The odds of food poisoning are highly unlikely since gum is not intended to be swallowed. If you started to chew gum that had an awful taste, you are not likely to continue eating it, so the odds of getting sick are very small.

Now this can significantly change if you use nicotine or caffeine infused gum. These additives degrade over time which means that Nicorette gum or the caffeine infused energy gum can taste horrible once it gets old.

Eating expired gum with nicotine or caffeine can lead to an upset stomach, tingly tongue, raised glucose levels, vomiting, and an increased heart rate.

These effects could be mild and just annoying, or they could lead to a more serious issue. If you’re not sure how old the gum is, and not sure when you bought it, you should just go ahead and throw it away.

For more information about expired foods, check out “Can you eat old Hamburger Helper?” and “What happens if you drink expired Canada Dry Ginger Ale?

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