Grocery Price Showdown: Fargo, North Dakota
This week we did a slightly different meal plan, where we did 7 meals for $70. We then took our grocery list to all the local stores around Fargo, ND and placed online orders.
Here is the list of stores that we did price comparisons on:
- Walmart
- Aldi
- Target
- Hornbacher’s
- Natural Grocers
- Family Fare
- Cash Wise
*Please note that Hornbacher’s and Natural Grocers use Instacart for online shopping so their prices may be higher than what you would see in store.
Grocery List

****Please note that prices at any store can fluctuate. When we completed our menu, the total was $69.08, but when we did the price comparison list the total for Walmart had changed to $71.81.******
If you want to see the dinners that goes with this list, head over to Week #30’s meal plan!
Grocery Price Totals
Here is the list of Fargo, North Dakota grocery stores in order from cheapest to most expensive.

Please note that stores with * next to their total means they did not carry all the items on our grocery list!
Here are the cost breakdowns:

Would shopping multiple stores save money?
We always like to see if going to multiple stores will beat the Walmart’s total. This week the two cheapest stores were Target and Family Fare.
We did use Aldi for our 2-store scenario because they did not carry 5 out of the 40 items this week.
By only shopping the cheapest priced items at these two stores, our total would have been $82.69.
That was a significant savings compared to their regular totals ($97.31 & $90.34) but unfortunately still came out $10.88 more expensive than Walmart’s total of $71.81.