
Can I eat expired Microwave Popcorn?

Microwave popcorn is one of my favorite cheap snacks to have on hand in the pantry. I usually can find great deals on it throughout the year, so I usually stock up when I find a great deal.

Even though I try to keep our pantry organized with the oldest stuff in front, occasionally I do run across items like microwave popcorn that has gone past the expiration date. Let’s find out if it is ok to eat expired microwave popcorn!

Can you eat expired unpopped popcorn?

Thankfully most bags of microwave popcorn, come in individually sealed packages within the box. This sealed plastic helps keep moisture away from the unpopped popcorn.

The two main issues with expired microwave popcorn are extra moisture and the oil inside the bag. If the outer plastic package is damaged or opened, it can allow the paper bag to start to absorb moisture.

Once moisture gets into the bag, you may notice that the bag does not work correctly and results in many of the popcorn kernels won’t pop or it takes longer than normal to pop.

This is because part of the popping process is adding heat to the dry kernels to cause them to explode. If kernels have excess water absorbed, it will take longer for the kernels to reach the ideal popping temperature.

The excess moisture can also cause the taste of the popcorn to be off or stale. This won’t necessarily hurt you, but it won’t be worth the taste.

The second issue is the oil and flavorings. All oil can go rancid over time and microwave popcorn is no exception. This issue is harder to tell prior to popping.

If you have a super sensitive nose, you may notice a rancid or pungent smell to your unpopped microwave popcorn bag, but most people won’t notice.

After you a pop a bag and open it to reveal the popped popcorn, if you notice an off smell or strong burnt oil smell, this is a sign that the oil has gone rancid. Most likely the taste will be very off putting, and you won’t want to eat very much.

If you did consume a large amount of rancid oil, it can cause upset stomach or diarrhea, but usually would not result in major issues. Honestly, most people will not continue to eat bad tasting popcorn, so it is highly unlikely to get sick from a small amount.

How long does microwave popcorn last?

The expiration dates on popcorn are usually about a year after it is packaged. This date does not indicate that the product instantly goes bad the day after this date.

The “best by” date on popcorn has more to do with inventory control and less about “freshness” or “best flavor”.

This is due to the fact the popcorn kernels are seeds. These perfectly enclosed seeds are a natural way for the kernel to handle high heat and low temperatures. There is not really a way to tamper with the seeds prior to cooking.

Popcorn kernels have a very low natural moisture content, so bacteria and molds typically leave them alone.

The true issue is the flavorings and oils that are also inside the bag. The oil can go rancid over time, and the flavorings can go stale or lose flavor.

In general, unpopped microwave popcorn can last for 1-2 years and possibly longer after the expiration date. This will mainly come down to how it is stored.

Microwave popcorn bags are considered shelf stable, so they don’t need anything special. They just need to be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, and in a place that is not too humid. (Humidity is extra moisture in the air, and that moisture can be absorbed if the plastic packaging is damaged or punctured.)

Can microwave popcorn grow mold?

Like we mentioned above, popcorn kernels are extremely unlikely to grow mold by themselves. This is due to their perfectly enclosed shell and very low natural moisture content.

A study done in 1995 tested for the presence of mold in commercially available popcorn and found that a very low percentage of mold was found on microwave yellow popcorn.

In fact, the study showed that Non microwave yellow and white popcorn had a higher instance of mold being present.

The most common type of mold found on yellow microwave popcorn was part of the Fusarium species. Before you panic, just know that this type of mold is actually very commonly found in soil and plants.

This means that if your popcorn did have mold, it started with mold from when it was harvested and not due to it being expired.

Thankfully most of the Fusarium species (over 300 different kinds) rarely cause infections or illness in humans!

What happens if you eat expired microwave popcorn?

Expired popcorn is unlikely to cause you any harm. The main component of worry would be rancid oil inside the bag of microwave popcorn.

Thankfully, the smell of rancid oil is usually enough to deter someone from eating a large quantity of the popcorn, so the instance of food poisoning or illness is relatively low.

Usually, rancid oil has a very pungent and distinct aftertaste that is most unpleasant. The oil actually starts to degrade from exposure to heat, light, and improper storage conditions.

In order to keep the likelihood of your microwave popcorn having rancid oil, you should only stock up on enough popcorn to eat for the next year. So instead of buying 20 boxes at a great deal, you may only want to pick up 10 boxes.

Remember that sales typically go in 4-month cycles, so you would want to purchase popcorn that would last for your family for at least 4 months.

The “best by” date on most foods is merely a suggestion by the manufacturer and is usually arbitrary. Products like microwave popcorn don’t instantly go “bad” after the expiration date.

For more information on expired foods, check out “What happens if I eat expired Gum?” and “Is it bad to drink an expired Coke?

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