Bank Balance Roll-Over Challenge (Free PDF)
Sometimes saving up an emergency fund or even a sinking fund can get challenging. You are not sure where the money will come from, so you just get overwhelmed with saving it.
This challenge is a fun way to save money and not really notice much difference in your money. That is because we are just going to skim money off the top that you probably hadn’t even noticed! All those little amounts will soon add up.
Now some banks do this for you and that is great, but if you don’t have a “save the change” type program, you can totally do it yourself.

Small Amounts Add Up!
First, we will need to pick a time every day, week, month, etc. This will be your time to skim your checking account. I like weekly, but I know other people that do this task daily!
On your set time like Sunday at 5pm, you will go to your checking account and write down the balance.
If you balance says $512.37, you will then transfer $2.37 over to your savings account. Fill the information on your tracker and go about your business.
Then next Sunday at 5pm you will do it again. You probably will never notice those small accounts being removed from your account.
Make it More Challenging
Some people have told me that after doing this challenge for a few weeks, it was just so easy that they actually made it more challenging so they could save more quicker!
So instead of skimming the dollar and cents, they started by moving over to the tens of dollars.
Remember when our balance was $512.37? This time instead of moving over $2.37, they are going to move over $12.37.
This is going to make your savings grow even quicker and still not feel like you are suffering or depriving yourself!
You may want to set up guidelines, like you will only skim off $50 or less. So, if your total was $562.37, you may choose to just skim off $50 instead of $62.37.