Do You Really Need an Emergency Fund? (Tips to get one started!)

Do You Really Need an Emergency Fund? (Tips to get one started!)

Things happen in life that you are not prepared for like a blown tire, a fridge dying, or an alternator going out in your car. These situations can be an inconvenience or a huge stress inducing headache. The difference between these reactions is having an emergency fund. An emergency fund is what makes a possible…

How Much Should I Spend on Easter Baskets? (+Tips to do Easter on a Budget!)

How Much Should I Spend on Easter Baskets? (+Tips to do Easter on a Budget!)

For some families, Easter is a huge celebration and also a fairly large expense. Even though it is not as expensive as Christmas, it is still a holiday that can easily add up to a lot of money. For the year 2021, the National Retail Federation estimates that the average American family will spend $179.70…