Making a Dopamine Menu (Blank Template PDF)

We recently talked about Dopamine Menus and how they are basically a reminder or a cheat sheet of activities to help boost your Dopamine.

Dopamine is a “feel good” hormone and when you start to run low you can feel sad, tired, or unmotivated. This is also a time that your brain is probably not the most creative, so having a “menu” of options can really come in handy!

What is in a Dopamine Menu?

Unlike a traditional food menu, this is a list of activities that you can do at different times of the day depending on your available time and need.


These are quick 5–15 minute activities that can be done almost anywhere and don’t take much preplanning.


  • 5-10 minutes of meditation
  • cup of coffee
  • your favorite snack
  • looking at a picture that brings you joy

Main Courses

Longer activities that you may need to pre-plan or carve out time for to accomplish.


  • Dinner or Lunch date with a friend
  • going for a long walk
  • cooking your favorite meal or dessert
  • arts and crafts or a hobby you enjoy

Side Dishes

These are tasks that can be attached or accomplished while you do something you may dread like chores.


  • listening to favorite music or a podcast
  • lighting a candle while cleaning or working
  • calling a friend while running errands


These are tasks best done in moderation but can cause lots of enjoyment.


  • online shopping
  • spa treatment like a manicure or pedicure
  • binge watching a favorite show

Free Blank Printable PDF of a Dopamine Menu

This is a blank template for you to create your own menu and have it on hand in case you need it.

Hopefully this menu helps you prepare and plan for when you know your dopamine levels can get low. Having a plan in place is actually shown to make these down periods happen less, so just having a plan can be super beneficial!

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