
Can I use expired French Fried Onions?

Most people recognize Crispy Fried Onions as a topping on Green Bean Casserole at Thanksgiving. Don’t count these tasty crunchy onions as a Holiday Only food.

Crispy Fried Onions can be sprinkled on top of cheeseburgers, salads, chicken dishes, soups, and potatoes. Unfortunately, many people end up throwing these onions out because they hit their expiration date. Let’s find out exactly when they expire and if you can use expired fried onions safely!

How long are French’s crispy fried onions good for?

French’s is the most popular manufacturer of Crispy Fried Onions, and they state that the onion’s shelf life is for 18 months from the date of manufacture.

These expiration dates are usually listed as “best buy” or “best if used by” dates on the packaging. This means that after the date, the product is not rotten or meant to be thrown away.

The best buy dates are simply stating that the product has the best taste and texture by the date. This means that after this date, the crispy fried onions may taste stale or may no longer have a crunchy texture.

What are French Fried Onions made of?

The basic ingredients of French Fried onions are onions, flour, oil, and salt. The flour, oil, and salt are very shelf stable items and last for a long time.

French’s brand fried onions and different generic versions are all made with real onions. Most believe that the fried onions are similar to the popular snack food Funions that use onion powder and not onions for flavor.

Almost all fried onions available in the grocery store are made with actual real onions that have been sliced, coated with flour, and then deep fried in oil.

The French’s company states on many of their packaging that all onions used are grown in America. Other companies like Fresh Gourmet uses onions grown in Mexico.

How do you store French Fried Onions?

French Fried onions typically come in a resealable bag or a canister with a plastic lid. Both kinds of packaging have a section of plastic that is removed prior to using that helps keep the fried onions sealed in an airtight container.

Most packages of crispy fried onions state to store them in a cool dark place. This would imply storing them in a pantry or cabinet at room temperature.

Some people swear by storing their fried onions in the fridge or freezer. It is not recommended by manufacturers to store fried onions in a refrigerator or freezer, because these areas can cause the onions to absorb excessive moisture.

Whenever a crispy item gets moisture, the item will be less crispy and crunchy. So, in order to keep the fried onions in the best texture you will want to store them in the resealable container and in the pantry.

If the original container is not sealing well, then the fried onions can be stored safely in a Ziploc style bag. We recommend that you try to remove as much air from the bag as possible by rolling the bag closed.

Do French fried onions expire?

Since real onions are used in French Fried Onions, they will in fact expire. The biggest factors of the onions expiring is actually how and where they are stored.

If your fried onions are stored correctly in a dry cool place, then they can easily be used up to the best buy date. After the best buy date, the product may taste stale or less like a fresh fried onion.

If the fried onions are not stored in a dry cool place, then the oil and onions can go rancid. Onions are considered an organic matter, so if it is exposed to moisture, it can grow bacteria or mold.

Do French Fried Onions have MSG?

French’s French Fried Onions do not contain MSG, GMOs, or artificial flavorings. Some of the cheaper generic version of crispy fried onions may contain MSG.

MSG is short for Monosodium glutamate and is used as flavorings in items like canned vegetables, soups, and deli meats. MSG has been used for many years in food, but some people have reported bad reactions to it.

Most common symptoms of an MSG reaction include headache, sweating, increased heart rate, nausea, and others. There has been no clear link between MSG and these reactions according to the researchers.

According to the FDA, all food labels for products that contain MSG must have it listed in the ingredients. MSG can naturally occur in some food like tomatoes and cheese, but those food labels don’t have to list MSG on the label. They just can’t label it as “MSG free.”

If you have a sensitivity to MSG, be sure to read the ingredient list very carefully. Other common products that have naturally occurring MSG are hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, and soy extracts.

Can you eat expired French Fried Onions?

I recently opened a package of Great Value French Fried onions that had expired 6 months ago. The date on the package was listed as “best if used by” 11/04/21. (It is currently July 2022)

Upon opening the sealed container, I took a sniff of the contents and they smelled just like fried onions with salt. There was no rancid smell or an odor that seemed off.

I tasted the crispy fried onions, and they still have a good strong onion flavor and a nice crunch. They are still crispy and show no signs of excessive moisture.

If you open a container that has been stored in a cool dry place and have remained in an airtight container like the original bag or canister, then your fried onions should be safe to consume.

The issue would be if the crispy onions are exposed to moisture, humidity, or stored with other items that can rot. For instance, if you store the onions in a Ziploc bag with an orange peel, then they will rot and mold.

My bag of French Fried Onions will be used on a top of a Steak Salad tonight, and in the next few days I will probably make a green bean casserole or a Ranch Bacon Chicken Casserole for the added crunch!

I also recently found out that the French’s company also makes other fried vegetables to be used as toppers. So, if you are feeling experimental you should try out fried jalapenos, fried dill pickles, and fried red peppers.

The options of dishes that can be made with these items is only limited to your imagination!

For more information about commonly expired foods, check out “Is expired 5 hour Energy Drinks safe?” and “What happens if you eat expired veggie straws?

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