8 Tuna Salad Variations you Need to Try!
Time for a little story……For half of my life, I have not been a fan of tuna salad. In fact, as a child every time my Dad even opened a can of tuna, I would pretend to fall out on the floor due to the smell of fish.
I’m just not a fish fan especially if it smells super fishy. So, I let tuna salad be an item, I just never ate. As the years go by, I learned to tolerate tuna salad on crackers, but it still wasn’t my favorite.
Then I figured out that you can make so many tuna salad variations that you don’t have to eat “traditional tuna salad” at all!
Few Ingredient Tuna Salad Options
Classic Tuna Salad Recipe
Here is the start of a basic tuna salad. I wanted to include this so you could see how the variations work based of this starter salad!

1. Tropical Tuna Salad
I really love this one served over a green salad. So yummy and the sweetness is totally unexpected too!

2. Mediterranean Tuna Salad
I do believe that feta cheese makes everything better, and this variation on tuna salad is so good!
3. Creamy Avocado Tuna Salad
I actually had this for a “Green” themed St Patrick’s day lunch, and I was hooked after that!

4. Dill Pickle Lovers Tuna Salad
Adding more pickles and then a little crunch with celery is my favorite way to eat tuna with crackers!
5. Tex-Mex Tuna Salad
I am a huge fan of pickled jalapenos so it totally makes sense to give our tuna salad a little heat!

6. Everything Bagel Tuna Salad
I first thought of this when everyone was putting smoked salmon on everything bagels. It totally works and is so yummy!
7. Crispy Apple Tuna Salad
This was born out of an “Oops” moment. I meant to make chicken salad but accidently grabbed tuna. Since I already started to open the can, I figured I would try it. Totally a great tuna option!

8. Garlic Parmesan Tuna Salad
This surprisingly turned out really well. It almost has a tuna casserole vibe to it. I have also skipped the Italian Dressing and just used a Garlic Parmesan wing sauce for the dressing and that was awesome too!
Tuna Salad with a Twist
Hopefully these flavor variations on tuna salad have inspired you to spice up your next tuna salad sandwich. I think these are great for an easy lunch at work or at home.
I am always experimenting with flavors that I know I like but putting them on items I am not a huge fan of… Hopefully that makes sense, but it really helps me branch out and try items I may not really like!
What do you like to add to tuna salad for a fun twist?